Keith Nellist

Part 5: Nations

Player 1


Elephant people

These represent two separate groups – Elephants south of the snow line – who must live on land, and Elephant Seal north of the snow line – who must live in coastal areas or the sea. They can survive the sinking of land (for example, Rozgali or Kahar) but are eliminated if there in the overpopulation phase.

Yak people

Woodpecker people

Tree elves

Errinoru makes them active in relation to the outside world. Godlearner meddling creates hostility between Tree and Bamboo elves.



These represent the swarms of ghouls occasionally created by the Huan To, the Zombie galley slaves used by the War Dragon, bad ghosts, hopping vampires and other dead creatures.

Army of Every Death

A rebellious army sworn to drive the Immanent Masters and the False Dragon Ring from Kralorela.

Player 2


Pig people

Tiger people

Leopard people

Turtle people

These are mostly Sofali but raids by these units represent any pirates, and might also include Vormain or Trowjang pirates.


Driven out of the west into the waste lands of Pent these savage horse riders like to conquer.

Chestelo (a.k.a. Pelorians, Dara Happans, Moon People, Red Hair tribe)

Exiled from the far west, these peculiar people worship the red moon.

Immanent Masters

Taking a shortcut to dragonhood, these are the armies of Shang Hsa-may his name be cursed, who drove Yanoor to death and rules Kralorela.

Player 3

Hum Chang

Night Bat people

Eagle people


Deer Hsunchen encouraged harmony with other Hsunchen


Sheep people


Ignorants reject civilisation, worship the black sun, are slaves to Dozaki, demons, whoever. Cannibals who make bloody sacrifices so that they can grow maize.


Demons, criminal gangs, dank spirits, chaos monsters, scorpion men, Cwim, Huan to. There are good a fighting and killing, but if there is more than one Sekeveran in an area in the overpopulation phase then they fight and one all but one is destroyed.

Bamboo elves

Errinoru makes them active in relation to the outside world.

Player 4


These are a race of ugly mermen and beautiful mermaids; the children of Kahar and adept at swimming in both sea and fog. They dislike the Kralori Empire and raid the lands when the fog rolls ashore.

Vaska Long

Jungle Hen people

Day Bat people

Seal people


Crawled out of hell in the north and came south looking for food

Wind children


Driven by their need for pasture for their outlandish herd beasts the Praxians seek plunder and battle in the lands of the east.

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Rules Variations
Part 3: Turns
Part 4: Nations
Part 5: Players' Guide
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