Keith Nellist
Part 4: Nations
Each of the 4 players controls a number of different groups generally refered to as Nations. For barbarians, a Nation will be referred to as a Tribe. For Malkioni, a Nation will be referred to as a Faction. For Beast People, a People.
These nations are not aligned with each other despite the overall control by the same player so, for example, Black Bull people cannot move through Black Malkioni faction areas without stopping and fighting.
There are 4 Malkioni factions, one per player: Azure, Black, Grey, Brown.
There are 4 unit types for Malkioni factions, derived from the traditional 4 castes:
- Can only move if starting in an area with a Lord and can only move one area.
- Can retreat, but not into empty areas.
- Gives a bonus of +1 to the population increase roll per area.
- No combat dice.
- Terrain maximum populations: 4 in clear terrain, 1 in rough terrain, zero elsewhere.
- Can only move if starting in an area with a Lord.
- Attack and defend normally.
- Unlimited moves in clear terrain but must stop on leaving Rough, Mountain, ElfWood, Glacier.
- Can retreat.
- No Maximum per area.
- No maximum populations except: Elf Woods, Mountain, Glacier, Seas – Zero.
- Can only move to attack other nations if accompanied by at least one Soldier.
- Moving into an empty area or one only containing Farmers is not attacking.
- Unlimited moves in clear terrain but must stop on leaving Rough, Mountain, ElfWood, Glacier.
- No combat dice.
- Can retreat.
- Max 1 per area except: Mountain, Elf Woods, Sog City, Glacier, Seas – Zero.
- Can only move if starting in an area with a Lord.
- Unlimited moves in clear terrain but must stop on leaving Rough, Mountain, ElfWood, Glacier.
- No combat dice.
- Can retreat
- Adds +1 to the result of a Soldier roll.
- When defending, may reduce combat roll of attacker by -1, or increase combat roll of defender. An attacker who cannot kill a defending
- Wizard must retreat. (e.g. if there are two Wizards and one normal attacker). An attacking Wizard who cannot kill a defender must retreat. (to avoid stalemate).
- No maximum populations except: Mountain, Elf Woods, Glacier – Zero.
Malkioni factions score in the same way:1 VP per Lord at end of Scoring Round.
Elder Races
Grotaron (Black)
- Population increase as if they were a Beast People with a totem area of the Maidstone Mountains.
- Can move along edges, stop at Junctions. Mountain areas are considered to be Junctions.
- Can also move into areas.
- Can retreat.
- Move 3 ‘steps’ per movement phase. A step being a move along one edge from one junction to another, or from one area to a junction, or from one area to an adjacent area. Cannot cross seas.
- Cannot move into Junctions occupied by other units.
- Scores for visiting Mountains, 1 VP per mountain.
Gonn Orta (Black)
- Can move along edges, stop at Junctions. Mountain areas are considered to be Junctions.
- Can also move into areas.
- Move 3 ‘steps’ per movement phase. A step being a move along one edge from one junction to another, or from one area to a junction, or from one area to an adjacent area. Cannot cross seas.
- Cannot move into Junctions or Areas occupied by other units, unless they can retreat.
- He reduces combat rolls of all adjacent units by 1.
- Cannot be killed, but can retreat. He loses 1VP if he kills a unit, even in self defence.
- Scores for visiting different nations, 2 VP for each different nation that Gonn Orta is adjacent to in his Overpopulation phase.
- Loses 1VP per round until he leaves the board via a land “edge” (he cannot wander into the Neliomi Sea)
Trolls (Grey)
- Population increase as if they were a Beast People with a totem area of Valind's Glacier.
- Can move along edges, stop at Junctions. Mountain areas are considered to be Junctions.
- Can also move into areas.
- Can retreat.
- Move 3 ‘steps’ per movement phase. A step being a move along one edge from one junction to another, or from one area to a junction, or from one area to an adjacent area. Cannot cross seas.
- Can move into Junctions occupied by other units to attack them.
Mostali (Azure)
- Population increase as if they were a Beast People with a totem area of Nidan Mountains.
- Can move along edges, stop at Junctions. Mountain areas are considered to be Junctions.
- Can also move into areas.
- Can retreat.
- Move 4 ‘steps’ per movement phase. A step being a move along one edge from one junction to another, or from one area to a junction, or from one area to an adjacent area. Cannot cross seas.
- Can move into Junctions occupied by other units to attack them.
Mostali receive 2VP for each mission achieved. Their missions are assigned randomly once the first mission has been accomplished. They gain a new mission upon completion of the previous mission.
The first Mission is to Occupy Oral Ta. After each Mission is achieved roll 1d6:- Kill one unit of Wizard
- Kill one unit of Racoon (Brown)
- Kill one unit of Trolls (Grey)
- Kill one unit of Barbarian
- Kill any one unit inhabiting of an Elf Wood
- All Mostali units return to Nida, then removed from board (disappear underground).
Beast People
There are Twelve Beast People represented in this game.
Population increase roll for any totem area not possessed by another nation.
Beast People cannot enter Sog City, unless they are part of Harrek’s Army.
Totem Areas
Bull People (Black)
Tawars, Dilis, Retrint, Junora, Einpor, Karstall, Troll Shore, Dona, Southbank. Galastar, Timms, East PointPopulation Max 2 per area, except Sea, Mountains, Glacier = 0
Score 2VP for each Bull People unit eliminated in the Sweet Sea.
Badger People (Azure)
Upriver, Zoria, Troll Shore, Badger Wood, Dona.Population Max 2 per area, except Sea, Mountains, Glacier = 0
Mammoth People (Brown)
Upriver, White Bear Wood, Mammoth Wood.Population Max 2 per areas, except Seas = 0
Reindeer People (Grey)
Western Glacier, Eastern Glacier, Porent, Tastolar, Tastolar Highlands, Gharkhor, Oral Ta.No Population Max, except Seas, Mountains = 0
Woolly Rhino People (Azure)
Troll Shore, Black Forest, Porent.Population Max 2 per area, except Sea, Glacier = 0
Rhino Score 4VP for killing each Malkioni unit.
Units attacked by Woolly Rhino can retreat before the first round of combat.
Bear People (Brown)
White Bear Wood, Mammoth Wood, Bear Wood, Badger Wood, Rathorela, Grizzly Wood. Eastern Glacier. Population Max 3, except Sea, Mountain, Glacier = 0
Bear People score 1VP for each unit they kill when defending.
Skunk People (Black)
any two empty areas adjacent to each other but not to any other Skunk are totem areas for skunk.Population Max 1, and cannot be adjacent to any other skunk units.
Wolverine People(Grey)
Winter Wood, East Winterwood, Gharkhor, Oral Ta, Porent, Tastolar, Black Forest, Upriver, White Bear Wood, Mammoth Wood, Bear Wood, Grizzly Wood, Rathorela.Population Max 1
Wolverine Score 5VP for attacking and killing Owl People.
Wolverine Score 1Vp for each unit that attacks in their Nation turn.
Wolverine People have +1 on their dice rolls when attacking.
They cannot retreat.
Porcupine People (Azure)
Easval, Winterwood, East Winterwood, Porent, Upriver, Zoria, White Bear Wood, Mammoth Wood, Bear Wood.Population Max 2, except Sea, Glacier, Mountain = 0
Porcupine Score 2VP once for each of their totem areas that they spend an overpopulation phase in.
Porcupine People can retreat before the first round of Combat.
Racoon People (Brown)
White Bear Wood, Zoria, Badger Wood, Troll Shore, Dona, Karstall, Southbank, Timms, Eastpoint.Population Max 2, except Sea, Glacier, Mountain = 0
Racoon People can only attack for one exchange then must retreat.
Racoon People Score 1VP for each unit that attacks in their Nation turn.
Bobcat People(Azure)
Erontree, Oranor, Yerring, Jonatela, Syanor, High Llama Pass, Sullen Hills, War Moor. Population Max 1, except Sea, Glacier =0
Bobcat People Score 1VP for each unit they kill while attacking.
Owl People (Black)
any empty area, including Mountains, but excluding Sea. Population Max 1, except Sea = 0Owl People Score 1VP for each unit they kill of Bear and Wolverine People.
Wolf People (Brown)
High Llama Pass, Nidan Mountains, +any areas currently possessed by Wolf People.Population max 2, except Sea, Glacier = 0 and Mountain =1
Wolf People Score 1VP for each unit they kill.
Beast people move 2 areas per turn outside of their totem areas. They have unlimited movement within their totem areas.