Keith Nellist
Part 3: Nations
Player 1
Start the game with 4 Cavalry in NaveriaUnit Limit: 8 Cavalry
Nation Scoring: 1VP per area
Exit: 2VP per unit exiting via Pent
Aldryami, Carmanians 2VP
Warlords 1VP
Start the game with 1 Infantry in each area: Lenshi, Dog Plains, Imther, Kostaddi, Dikoria, Darsen, Rinliddi, Kestinlands, Dara Ni, Lakrene, Darjiin, Sanken, Vanch, Dara Ni. (total 14)Unit Limit: 24 Infantry +1 Bat
Special Rule: -1 to die rolls in battle. (including for the bat)
Special Unit: The Crimson Bat appears in turn 15 in Eastern-most Carmanian area. Acts as Cavalry with 6 attack die.
Units killed by the Bat in Turn 15 are converted into Telmori (they are actually the Mad Horde, not wolf men, but they act in this game as if they are Telmori) and placed in the area where they were killed in the Pelorian Overpopulation phase.
Nation Scoring: 1VP per unit
Kill: Aldryami, Carmanians 2VP
(Includes other Chaos Monsters).Appear in Round 5 with 2 Infantry in Mountains of Ralios
Unit Limit: 5 infantry
Special rules:
Cannot be killed.
Treat Mountains as rough terrain.
Ignore the Curse of Dorastor.
Must retreat after the first round of battle, unless all the opposition killed or retreated. If there is no legal retreat they are moved to an empty Mountain or Cursed Dorastor.
Nation Scoring: None
Capture once: Dara Ni, Vanstal, Vonlath, Tork: 4VP
Kill: anyone 1VP
Appear in Round 3 with 10 Cavalry in Dragon PassUnit Limit: 10 Cavalry
Special rules:
Population increase for Hungry Plateau.
New units on Hungry Plateau only.
Nation Scoring: Hungry Plateau 6VP
Capture once:
Vonlath 5VP
Saird 2VP
Warlords 5VP
Aldryami 2VP
Player 2
Start the game with 3 Cavalry in Saird, 2 Cavalry in SylilaUnit Limit: 8 Cavalry
Nation Scoring: 3VP per open area
Capture once:
Darjiin 4VP
Naveria, Dara Ni 2VP
Exit: 3VP per unit exiting via Pent.
Kill: Warlords 2VP
Appear in turn Round 4 with one infantry unit in each of Rist, Erigia, Elder Wilds.Unit Limit: 10 Infantry, 10 Forests
Special Units Forest is created in any area that Aldryami gain possession at the end of the battle phase - move zero
Nation Scoring: Each forest counter on board 4VP.
Appear in Round 6 with 24 Infantry. Must start placing armies in Ralios until overrun, then Karia, then in Dragon Pass.Unit Limit: 24 Infantry
Nation Scoring:
10VP if Dorastor cursed.
1VP per area.
Special ability:
Curse Dorastor. If Barbarians hold Dorastor they may curse it making it uninhabitable to any but Telmori. This is done after the overpopulation phase. Units in Dorastor are moved to any adjacent area (without other nations in it) - i.e. Karia, Talastar, Skanthi, Anadikki. Place the Curse Counter in the area.
Kill: The Bat 4VP
Appear in Round 10 with 20 infantry Dragon Pass. In the overpopulation phase, 3 YOUF infantry of the player's choice are changed into Dragons.Unit Limit: 20 Infantry, 3 Dragons
Special Units
Dragons act as Cavalry with 4 attack die, Ignore other nations when moving and can move in mountains as if Rough Terrain.
Nation Scoring: none
Capture once: Any area 1VP
Exit: 1VP per unit exiting via Dragon Pass
Kill: anyone 2VP
Player 3
Start the game with 6 Cavalry spread over Pent, Ezarkos, Althil, Velthil, Jarasan, BirinUnit Limit: 8 Cavalry
Nation Scoring: None
Capture once:
Spol 4VP
Bindle, Oronin 3VP
Old Darklands, Pelanda, 2VP
Esvuthil, Korer, Dikoria, Lenshi, 1VP
Exit: 1VP per unit exiting via Pent .
Kill: Anyone 2VP
Start the game with 4 Infantry in Dragon Pass, 2 Infantry in Ivory PlinthUnit Limit: 30 Infantry
Nation Scoring: 1VP per area
Capture once:
Dorastor 10VP
Karia 4VP
Die fighting: Anyone 1VP
The Bat 4VP
Aldryami, Alkothi 1VP
Appear in Round 9 with 6 Cavalry in ChargUnit Limit: 8 Cavalry, 20 Infantry
Nation Scoring: 1VP per area
Turn 12: 1VP per unit in Charg
Capture once:
Vonlath, Rinliddi, Saird 4VP
Sanken, Kostaddi, Althil 2VP
Alkothi, Dragons 4VP
Anyone else 2VP
Appear in Round 9 with 3 Units in VotankilandUnit Limit: 5 Infantry
Nation Scoring: 1VP per unit
Capture once: Dog Plains, Dragon Pass, Ivory Plinth, Saird 2VP
Kill: Anyone 1VP
Player 4
Start the game with 3 Killmen in HenjarlUnit Limit: 12 Killmen
New units in Henjarl only.
Each Alkoth unit has 2 attack die when attacking.
If units are not connected to Henjarl via Alkoth or Soldier controlled or empty areas they are removed in the overpopulation phase.
A new Alkothi appears in Henjarl automatically if there are none left. That is, in the population increase phase of any Alkoth nation turn where there are no Alkothi units alive, a new unit appear in Henjarl. It will need to fight any enemies currently in possession of Henjarl.
Nation Scoring: 1VP per area
Any units in Darjiin 5VP
Any other units 2VP.
Start the game with 1 Infantry in each area: Karasal, Pelanda, Red City, Oronin, Bindle, Old Darklands, Eol, Vanstal, Worion, Jhor, Suvaria (total 11)Unit Limit: 24 Infantry New units can only come from original areas.
No population growth for rough terrain.
Special Rule If not connected via controlled areas to an original area then units are converted into Pelorians in the overpopulation phase.
Nation Scoring: 1VP per unit
Capture once:
Vonlath 6VP Esvuthil 4VP
Henjarl 2VP
Birin, Darjiin, Darsen, Dikoria, Doblian 1VP
Appear in Round 5 with 6 units in Troll Mountains (Blue Moon Plateau, Yolp, Eastern Rockwoods)Unit Limit: 12 infantry
Special Abilities:
Digijelm can move through any Nation, other than the holder of Darsen or Aldryami, without stopping. Inhuman Occupation. Digijelm can ignore the Deathline and enter Dragon Pass and Ivory Plinth.
Can move in Mountains, treating them as Rough terrain.
Nation Scoring: 1VP per unit.
Capture once: Naveria, Dikoria, Doblian, Talastar, Votankiland, Jarst, Karia, Ralios, Arir: 1VP
Kill: Aldryami 2VP
Appear in Round 5 with 10 Infantry in EsvuthilUnit Limit: 10 Infantry
New units in Esvuthil, Henjarl and Vonlath only
Nation Scoring: 1VP per unit
Die fighting: Barbarians 3VP
Capture once: Vanch, Rinliddi 10VP
Kill: Aldryami, Pelandans, Theyalans, Barbarians Warlords, Carmanians, YOUF 1VP