David Millians

Traditional Genertelan Chaos is rare in Kralorela. The Kralori will claim that this is part of their national excellence and purity, but the reasons no doubt lie deep within their myths and traditions. The Kralori are certainly threatened by creatures and forces that may derive from the same ultimate source as Chaos, and some God Learners saw Chaos in Sekever and its minions, but recognizably Chaotic creatures appear little in their lore and lands.

In the modern ages, the God Learners and other foreigners have introduced Chaos beings and cults into Kralorela, but they remain small and little known or understood. Native Kralori tend to react to them with their traditional fears and methods, which are as effective as most other approaches.


Broo tend to fare poorly in Kralorela itself, for there is little wilderness in which they can establish themselves. The lowlands in particular teem with humanity, and Kralori culture does not have much in the way of a herding tradition, so their domesticated animals are fewer and less available.

Broo do rarely appear in the mountains and hinterlands. A few of these wander in from the eastern Wastelands, but these are rare and face the hostility of all creatures, for their malignancy and foreign nature is recognized.

Also rare but a deeper threat are broo whose nature fools Kralori Hsunchen. Some scholars speculate that this trait appeared one or more times and survives in following generations of broo, while others think it is a trait of all Kralori broo. There are also stories of God Learners and Shang Hsa May-His-Name-Be-Cursed releasing broo among the populations of Hsunchen that opposed them.

These broo usually live among a Hsunchen population, violent warriors that soon meet their end in combat or more often through some social crime, but the Hsunchen often remain ignorant of the nature of the creature. Occasionally, a broo with cunning and carefully-used chaos features or magic is hailed as a Horned Halfbeast and assumes great power over local Hsunchen, breeding and spreading its kind. True Horned Halfbeasts, Kralori, and even local Huan To seek to destroy these creatures when they appear, but some rule a remote valley for years at a time.

The deer folk seem to be most vulnerable to these broo, though a local official in the far south of Boshan Province reported the capture and execution of a “demonic, horned tiger man,” perhaps a broo.


Gorp itself is rare in Kralorela, known only from a few locales poisoned by foreign cults and sorcery. The Burnt Well of the False Magistrate in southern Modaings Province is thought to have a large colony of gorp in its depths. The locals throw offerings into the well to keep its “spirits” strong, for they are thought still to be consuming the mortal remains of an evil official that served under Shang Hsa May-His-Name-Be-Cursed.


Flocks of harpies nest high in the Shan Shan, far from inhabited areas. They raid the local Hsunchen, also sometimes attacking caravans and army scouts. Hsunchen and Kralori, who know them as the Fay-Djwa-Noo, both say that harpies have dwelt in these high places forever. The Kralori tell stories of greedy, lusty women that long ago learned the secret of flight and tried to rise and seize the sun, perhaps the Eagle Phoenix Emperor Metsyla, but their own insolence struck them down and made their evils visible on their bodies.

Augraban, a God Learner scholar, died collecting specimens in central Kralorela, as he tried to prove his theory that western and eastern harpies were different species.


There has never been a Jack-O-Bear in eastern Genertela. Even the God Learners were unable to introduce them as part of their experiments. The reason for this is unknown

Krarshtkid & Krarshtide

Krarsht, known in Kralorela most commonly as Loo Jow Sa Mo, has a small presence, and its demonic servants cluster at its secret places or in places far below the surface of the earth.


The offspring of Bagog existed in Kralorela in the Second Age, but there have been no reports of them there in the later Third Age. There may be small colonies in remote areas or in Ignorance.


On occasion fishermen have pulled walktapi from the depths of the Suam Chow. There have not been any reports of land-dwelling walktapi since a few incidents in the Second Age.