The Lords of Discipline
David Millians
While in some capacities Archexarchs act as conduits of worship and links with the emperor and the gods, they also receive worship in their own right from millions of people, mostly seeking their intervention in the humblest of concerns. The archexarchs of Kralorela can receive sacrifices. All of them have essence, spirit, and daimon servants, who assist them in their work. These are in addition to the countless mortals that serve them in life and after. They are known to be hard to reach, so most people approach them through communal ceremonies and usually only their servants.
Gain Archexarch Aid (1W6): any appropriate divine or government relationship, Pious
Gain Archexarch’s Assistant’s Aid (1W3): any appropriate divine or government relationship, Pious
Gain Minor Archexarch Augment (1W): appropriate divine or government relationship, Pious
The Archexarchs
Wenbu Shen, the Archexarch of Divine Affairs, supervises the sky gods and the movements of the celestial realm and helps those that have suffered at the hands of gods and spirits.Mung Jing, the Archexarch of Dreams, purges people of evil desires. He can take away evil dreams and even heal those suffering from disorders of the mind.
Hemu Yanhow, Archexarch of Harmony, oversees the balance of the world, preventing disasters and supervising most censors. He receives many prayers but often answers them in mysterious, subtle ways.
Tachun Da, Archexarch of Heaven, leads the celestial court and is known to create gods from his thoughts. He oversees the Ministry of Rites.
Udam Bagur, Archexarch of Hell, is the Judge of the Dead. All mortals and everyone that has lost a loved one make sacrifices to the Lord of Hell. Some seek longer life, and others ask mercy for their ancestors.
Ji Lili, Archexarch of Memory, is in charge of time and the calendar.
Jing Chee, Archexarch of Plenty, looks after the prosperity of fields and treasury. He heads the Divine Council of Prosperity and the Ministry of Revenue. Many ask his aid and blessing for everything from their labors to a throw of the dice.
Weng Goo Shing, Archexarch of Stability, maintains tradition and opposes careless changes in the world. He oversees the Ministry of Justice. Many oaths are sealed in his name.
Cheeloong Ji, Archexarch of War, heads Kralori military and the Hidden College of War, where strategic planning takes place. Prayers in his name are on the lips of every soldier going in to battle.
Jiji Shee, Archexarch of Wisdom, is keeper of knowledge, protecting it from abuse and the unwary. He heads the Righteous Web of Knowledge and oversees the Ministry of Personnel. Many offer simple prayers for his blessing, both for themselves and their foolish neighbors.