Astronomy in the Land of Splendor

David Millians

The sky reflects the world. Much like the empire and the Underworld, the sky is full of dragons and an elaborate bureaucracy. The events and interactions occurring in the sky reflect and affect those in the inner world.

The Sun is an emanation of the Cosmic Dragon, and the Sky Ring (Orlanth’s Ring) is the guardian of the night. The Red Moon is a sign of war or illness in the outside world, possibly a sign of Sekever’s Return. (The Kralori have tales of moons in past ages. These moons have feminine attributes and the usual associations with Sekever.)

The stars are celestial beings, illuminated beings, liberated beings, heavenly places, visible poetry, and lessons. One is Tanye (Ourania), the first word, “Speech,” and another is the Dragon’s Eye (Arraz). Shang Mun the Heaven Gate ( Stormgate) is the Palace of the Sky Ring, and Dee Yoo the Hell Gate (The Pit) plunges into the Underworld. In the southwestern skies are the Peace Stars and the War Stars.

Different parts of the sky correspond to earthly realms, mostly Kralori regions. Based on events in the sky, Kralori stargazers and officials can anticipate events within Splendor, either supporting them for the common good or ameliorating disasters.

The Kralori believe that each person is associated with a star in Heaven, to which he should make personal sacrifices. Naturally, only those with time and wealth are able to do this to any extent, though this belief has inspired any number of common phrases of profanity.

Heaven’s Staff is composed of a mix of what westerners call planets, stars, and constellations.

Prominent Constellations

The Light Dancers of the Horizons

Other Features of the Sky

  • Chiang the Rainbow is not truly a creature of the sky but of the atmosphere. The Kralori believe that it unites Om and Fa, the high places and the low places. As such, it can be a path for long journeys by those that know how. It often appears as a dragon or with a dragon head.