David Millians


Emperor Urvairinus the Conqueror of Dara Happa defeated the Ram People of the south at the Field of Hurdurus in his second campaign, and this may be reference to the ancestors of the later hill peoples of southern Peloria. They wore curly horns and wooly fleeces instead of clothing and may have been sheep hsunchen. They worshipped a huge, iron ram towed on wheels. The Dara Happans knew them to be the descendants of Uldoviham, the first to leave the safety of Anaxial’s ship after the Great Flood. Uldoviham was said to have mated with beasts to produce these barbarian peoples.

Horse tribes, possibly the ancestors of the Hyalorings, fled southward during the Darkness.

Sylilan legends tell of Suvar, son of Perakosus, a deity with some similarities to Lodril. Suvar was a hunter, and he and his brothers worshipped the capricious goddess Ku Kwatta. Distressed by the angry barzkarto, creatures of two bodies bound together, of the forests, he traveled deep into the earth to gain ErNear’s wisdom. After meeting her, he is able to chip obsidian heads for axes and uses these to separate the barzkarto into two pieces, for which they are grateful and remain friendly, helpful spirits to this day for those who know their ways.

The Suvarians are also said to have fought the Ram People. The Suvarians’ Old Man explodes, surrounding their enemies and burning them to ashes. Later came the Erlandings, children of the storm gods of thunder and lightning, Erlandus and Ovadorudus. No one emerged completely victorious in this clash of storm and fire.

First Age

In 98 ST, World Council explorers discovered humans in Aggar. They were known as the Skanthi and had their own indigenous customs. They seem to have evolved into the Aggar and the Talastari, and much later the name Skanthi came to designate only the easternmost branch of the latter. The Skanthi had only a peripheral involvement in the Dorastan Council. Their neighbors in Vanch were known as the Sankenites and worshipped Antirius. King Aram was a great hero of this time, beloved of Kero Fin and the holder of her sacred Diamond Necklace.

The Vingkotling tribes of Aggar were the Vestantes of Vestanteland (southern Aggar), a Summer Tribe, and the Penentelli of north Aggar (a Winter Tribe).

Later in the age, the inhabitants of this region were known collectively as the Penentelli. They were of Heort’s People, and their leaders served the Overking Haradangian of the Stravuli, who dwelt in Vanch and Tarsh.

Rastazar of Aggar gained the Necklace of Kero Fin after negotiating a peace between King Haradangian and King Arlastor of the Berenneth Orlanthi. Rastazar joined the Dorastan Council in 352 as the Speaker for Storm.

King Valarastans of Aggar’s fourth son was known as Swenith. His son Jothitorang Gnawbone bore Ingkathir the Wealthy, who married Eralasinna, daughter of Borthjord the Poet. His eldest of three sons was Lokamayadon. Lokamayadon sought peace with elves and married a Brolian princess, Erilindia. He was master of the Three Lightnings and founded the Brotherhood of the Storm. His ways are now known as evil and he is said to have replaced the worship of Orlanth with that of Ragnaglar.

Eringulf Vanak Spear was a hero of the late First Age. He gained his namesake spear in contests at the Hill of Gold in Vanch.

Aggari warriors fought the foreign invaders and their changeling leader at the end of the age. Many died with Orlankor Silvesword in the lowlands in a battle with Beast King Vorwah. Side columns of Arkat’s army sacked all of the accessible hill forts. The western hills above the Erinflarth retained the scars of Arkat’s passage and were to do so until at least the end of the Third Age.

Second Age

Contact with the surrounding country recommenced through trade to the west with the cities of Lakrene: Voranel, Urnandle, and Endeel.

The Empire of the Wyrm Friends gained nominal overlordship of Aggar in the ninth century. A hierarchy of obligations was established in which lowlanders collected taxes from those in the hills, who in turn levied the wealth of those living still further into the hinterland.

897 was known as the Year of No Summer, for spring failed to come.

The EWF system led to resentment and rebellion. Cities in Aggar and Saird were razed as contrary to Orlanth’s way. With its armies needed elsewhere, the EWF sent in dragons to quell the hillmen. They were opposed by Javin the Westerner and his followers.

Alakoring Dragonbreaker, another enemy of the EWF, was from Ralios but later dwelt in Aggar, where he settled and raised a family, always fighting the empire. He is most famous for killing Drang, the Diamond Storm Dragon. He later seized lands in Dragon Pass and developed more fully the Orlanthi system of kingship.

Many of the Javini and others marched off to Dragon Pass in the late eleventh century. They joined Emperor Kurnardros of Dara Happa and many allies in this massive invasion. They were annihilated in the Dragonkill War.

Third Age

Early in this era, Chaos began to emerge from Dorastor in various destructive forms. Most of these fell forces made their way down the Erinflarth River or into Talastar and were never a coherent menace to Aggar. With the Dara Happan defeat of a chaos army at Oxbow in 1107, though, the sun worshippers influence along the margins of Aggar increased markedly.

During the early part of the Third Age, Halikiv trolls raided the humans of the Aggar region so continually that it was nearly abandoned by them.

The rise of the Red Moon, who the Aggari know as Shepelkirt, in 1248, also known as the first year of the First Wane, heralded new changes for Aggar.

Hwarin Dalthippa established the Sylilan Sultanate in the Second Wane. The Orlanthi to the south and allies among the river folk, followers of a water deity known as Bold Vareleus, formed the Cynnelfin Alliance to oppose the Conquering Daughter’s rise to power in the region. One of the leaders of this movement was Gwythar Longhair. Around 1330, Imperial forces intercepted him as he helped transport river people across Aggar, and the Orlanthi were victorious. Gwythar opposed Hwarin Dalthippa at Mirin’s Cross during her first Road Campaign and was defeated and bound as a guardian of her famous bridge there.

Hwarin Dalthippa had subjugated the Aggari by 1348 (2/47), making them tributary kings of the Red Emperor.

In 1375 Bina Bang, famous Blue Moon heroquester, visited the trolls of Aggar.

During the wars with Sheng Sheleris (1375 - 1460), Aggari raiders penetrated into Holay and Sylila, though the latter remained strong throughout most of this period.

The Mad Sultan and his followers rampaged through the lowlands and occasionally troubling Aggar before they were tricked into Dorastor. Their madness demonstrated the evil of the Lunar Way to many hill Orlanthi.

In 1520, the Uroxi of Talastar and Aggar drove into Dorastor to throw back the chaos dwelling and strangely organizing there.

The Lunar Empire established the Provincial Government for the southern tributary kingdoms, including Aggar, in 1545 (6/28) to organize the conquest of Tarsh.

In 1561 the Errio Clan came to power in Sylila. They used a combination of diplomacy, bribery, subversion, and conquest to dominate the region, including Aggar. Though Orlanthi in ancestry, this powerful clan became thoroughly Lunarized.

King Phargentes of Tarsh killed King Larnstal of Aggar.

The Red Emperor wore the Mask of Celestinus until 1574 (7/3) and died in his bed surrounded by his sacred choir. Militaris was his next Mask and came from Kedevi in Kostaddi. He was the victor at the Battle of Grizzly Peak and ruled until 1586 (7/15).

A Provincial Governor independent of the Lunar kings of Tarsh was established in 1579 (7/8).

The Mask of the Red Emperor was known as Reclusus from 1586 (7/15). He is known for buying Talastar as described below. He also organized the Kalikos Expeditions.

In 1590 Talastar was wholly converted to the Lunar Way in one stroke on White Shirt Day. The Bilini refused to join, and in 1595, Hrodar Grizzlebeak became their king with the old, traditional regalia of Talastar.

The Seventh Wane began in 1571 (7/1). Lunar missionaries are busy in Aggar, especially in the lowlands and at the court of the High King. Some Orlanth temples, mostly small shrines, have been sealed or destroyed after local rebellions, but the Lunars primarily continue their policy of replacing Orlanth’s cult with that of Molanni.

Reclusus Moonson ascended in flames in 1599 (7/28) after his own fiery spectacle and meeting out of justice in Glamour. Ignifer arose as the next Mask and ruled until 1607 (7/36), when Argenteus came to power.

Rascius is the grasping, covetous, one-eyed king of Aggar in 1621. He responds only to generous gifts.

The magician Akgarbash of Laurmal lives in Aggar. He is known to turn bandits and sometimes visitors into giant frogs to feed his giant storks.